Get Render By Render Id
Enter your API key here
Path Parameters
Render ID
Render data
Unique identifier of the render
Current status of the render
, processing
, completed
, failed
Creation timestamp
Last update timestamp
URL to the rendered video file
Video ID
Error message if render failed
API video data
Unique identifier of the video
Version number of the video format
Video metadata including redirect URL
Name of the video project
Background color of the canvas in hex format
Total duration of the video in milliseconds
Frames per second. Common values: 24, 30, 60
URL to redirect to after video processing completes
Array of clips in the video
Type of clip. Possible values: video, image, text, audio, caption
, image
, text
, audio
, caption
URL to the source media file (video, image, or audio)
Timing properties for when the clip plays
Start time in milliseconds when the clip should begin playing
End time in milliseconds when the clip should stop playing
Time offset in milliseconds to start playing from within the source media
Position properties for where the clip appears
Horizontal position in pixels from left edge of canvas
Vertical position in pixels from top edge of canvas
Z-index for layering clips. Higher numbers appear on top
Unique identifier for the clip
Optional display name for the clip
Audio volume level. 0 is muted, 1 is full volume
Text styling properties, only used for text clips
The text content to display
Font size in pixels
Font weight (100-900). 400 is normal, 700 is bold
Font family name. Common values: Arial, Times New Roman, Helvetica
Text color in hex format
Background color in hex format
Text alignment. Possible values: left, center, right, justify
Font style. Possible values: normal, italic
Padding around the text in pixels
Width of the text stroke/outline in pixels
Color of the text stroke/outline in hex format
Width of the text border in pixels
Color of the text border in hex format
Whether to underline the text
Caption properties, used for caption clips
Array of words with their timing information
Text style properties for highlighted words
Text style properties for non-highlighted words
Text alignment. Possible values: left, center, right, justify
Maximum width of the caption text in pixels
Maximum number of words to show in a single frame
Creation timestamp
Last update timestamp
Additional custom properties